Adventure from the Past: Chicago
Ok, it wasn’t THAT easy, but it was close. There were engineers involved this adventure, so in reality a spontaneous trip to Chicago was never going to just “happen”. This three day, two night trip required weeks, if not months of careful planning.
But the day arrived, and we took off. Three of us drove my rental up: myself, Dan (above), and Mr. Jim. Chris and Trutman joined us at the downtown motel on the second night.
We arrived at the windy city and set up shop. We crashed at an inexpensive, cozy hotel downtown. It was more than adequate. And the view wasn’t so bad either. There was a spa and sauna that we took full advantage of.
Before we hit the sack, we tried some pizza at some famous place named Gino’s. I don’t know why it was so famous, except for maybe an incredibly long wait for our one, expensive, mediocre pizza.
Chicago Cool Factor: -1
The first full we day we had was packed full of site seeing. We first rambled toward Navy Pier. There was a plethora of photo opportunities on the various landmarks, statues, exhibits, and oddities. One such photo can be seen to the right.
Chicago Cool Factor: +1
Inside were many restaurants, and even more art, mostly relating to Chicago history. There were also some shops (lame) and a mini carnival type environment on the lake side.
We began our stroll south, with some vague destinations in mind. It started to rain. We continued, winding our way underneath interstate highways and the fascinating multistory street system that exists in part of Chicago. After wandering through a construction site, and getting lost in a parking garage, we emerged in the back of some sort of bank, and quickly escaped out the front door, amid the sceptacle eyes of employees.
After emerging from the underworld, we were treated to a fantastic facade of buildings lined up in row. Above, Mr. Jim and I look between some of the buildings.
We found the fountain featured in the intro to the “Married with Children” sitcom. You can see it below. Chicago Cool Factor: +1
We went to the aquarium next. It was neat, but the biggest exhibit (featuring a killer whale or some such monstrous sea creature) was closed.
Chicago Cool Factor: -1
Next was some sort of museum with lots of dead animals. It was nominally entertaining. No cool factor points here, but none subtracted either.
Dusk was approaching and we made our way back to the hotel. The beer supply was tapped, and tapped hard.
My sources tell me that we went to get some food at some point. Dan ordered a cheeseburger for me. I was having trouble reading and talking.
After waking up in the bathtub hours later, I found that Chris and Trutman had arrived. We left the hotel and hiked around looking nervously at girls and puffing our chests out. We arrived at a bar at some point and I think we played some pool. Trutman may have been cougar hunting.
After some much needed sleep, we began a new day of adventure.First, it was up to the top of the Hancock building, the second tallest building in Chicago next to the Sears Tower (which can be seen above, in the photo taken from the Hancock building). It was a grand view. I couldn’t believe how many buildings had a swimming pool on the roof!
Chicago Cool Factor: +2Then, we walked down the shore of Lake Michigan for awhile. It was pleasant.
Chicago Cool Factor: +1
We then hopped the “L” to travel south towards the Museum of Science and Technology. Navigation was sketchy, but after traveling through some rough looking neighborhoods, we figured it was time get off.
We had gone too far south. We were in “South Chicago”. We were the only white people around. I tried to maintain my cool. My friends looked horrified and frightened out of their minds.
Chicago Cool Factor: -1
A plump local asked Trutman if we were lost and where we wanted to be. We told her we were going to the science museum. She said we were pretty far away. I think she was hitting on Trutman. She gave us directions. We ran in the direction she pointed (not my idea).
After at least a couple miles of running/walking through some dilapidated neighborhoods, we arrived at the museum. There was lots of cool stuff, including a submarine. My friends’ favorite exhibit was the one focused on agriculture, with a massive combine and tractor type device as the centerpieces. We frolicked for about an hour on the equipment, like little kids at the playground. Chris and Dan get their kicks in the picture above.
Chicago Cool Factor: +2 We boarded the “L” and headed back towards our hotel. Lunch/dinner was at Ed Debevic’s, a retro 50’s style place where the help is known for their in your face attitude and wild antics. There is music and often dancing. The waitresses/waiters were clever indeed, but I feel we matched wits with them pretty well. Nonetheless, the food was good and atmosphere was fun.
Chicago Cool Factor: +1
After a regrouping at the motel, we boarded the train again and headed to Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs.
We wandered around the stadium (the Cubs were playing the Florida Marlins that night I believe) and by the time we had made a complete the circle, the Cubs had lost. We bar hopped for awhile and then returned to the hotel, exhausted and satisfied. I was amazed at how hard so many people partied after the Cub's loss. It is scary to think what they would have done if the Cubs had won,... maybe burn a building down or flip some cars over?
Chicago Cool Factor: +1
The next day we did some other minor exploring and then drove back to Southern Illinois and St. Louis. Mission accomplished.
Total Chicago Cool Factor: +7
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